Year End Projects – Sparkle Can Help
Perhaps you are like me and look back at all the projects that you thought you would complete in 2014. Yes, when the year was still new and fresh. So when you look over that project list, are there still some waiting to get finished or even tackled?
What about that urgent remodel of your teen’s bedroom. Yes, the one, who complains constantly of still having to live in his kid-decorated room? How about that kitchen update you were thinking of for this year or what about the color of the walls in your living room? Too dull perhaps? Or for that matter even the exterior of the house. Does it need a facelift?
Our Blog Post today introduces some of Sparkle’s Services that you may not have thought of yet…
Sparkle’s Extensive Variety Of Services
Carpet Cleaning
Many of you are long-term clients and have “grown with us” over the years. So perhaps you think of Sparkle when a thorough carpet cleaning is needed.
Water Emergency Services & Mold Remediation
Over the last few years, the word is out that Sparkle is a great company to take care of your water damage emergencies and/or nasty mold problems. With hard work and a great deal of attention to our client’s needs, we have gained quite a reputation and a name recognition over the years in the restoration and emergency services industry.
Assistance with Insurance Claims
Our clients love the fact that we can take care of them completely, from assisting them in dealing with their insurance company to drying and restoring fully their affected property back to its original condition.
Remodeling & Additions
But did you know that Sparkle also remodels homes, builds home additions, and can make your home look beautiful inside and out? Did you always dream of custom cabinetry for your kitchen? Well, Sparkle can take care of that. We have an in-home cabinet and carpentry specialists.
With Sparkle you can rest assured that you are hiring a solid company that not only is fully bonded and insured but that also has all the necessary licenses like California Contractor licensing (CASLB 945830) ! A very important factor these days.
The handyman in the neighborhood might do a great job fixing little things here and there, but as soon as it comes to jobs that involve larger amounts of money and liability, you should look into companies with the proper licensing, accreditation, and insurance coverage.
Have you ever thought of what could happen if you “just” remove a wall?
You might think it’s not a big deal and that you can even do that yourself or hire a handyman to assist you with it.
But are you familiar with the potential presence of asbestos or lead-paint in your property? Both are federally-regulated materials with specific guidelines and procedures for dealing with them.
For example, do you know how to properly dispose of mold-infested wall material or how to build a proper remediation containment to begin with?
You wouldn’t want your entire home to get contaminated with asbestos fibers and/or mold spores. That would impose quite a liability for you in case you think of selling or leasing your home, not to mention the risk to your own health or to the health of your loved-ones.
So don’t delay your year-end projects! We are here to help you stay on track! Call us today for remodeling advice or for an estimate on any other of your pending home projects.
Finish 2014 with the great feeling of accomplishment!