CSLB – 945830 / IICRC – 65335



El Niño Called in the New Year

El Niño Called in the New Year

El Niño Called in the New Year

Just as the new year started, we got a little taste of El Nino’s soaking showers and as this weekend has proved to us: It’s not over yet! Most of our communities got through the first rain with no or little harm but for some neighborhoods El Niño had caused more problems. Floodwaters had risen up to 8 inches and flooded several homes right in the beginning of January.

If you got somewhat affected by the recent rain storms, now is the time to evaluate where any weak points in your home might be. Take care of them now and clean up any already caused water damage before it becomes a mold problem.

Water Damage is More Common Than We Tend to Think

As much as we might want to believe that a water damage happens mostly after heavy rain storms, experience shows us that it is much more common. Most often a water damage is in fact caused by an in-house-born problem that can build up to drenching parts of your home with water if not tended to in time.

The most common sources leading to a water damage are:

  • Mal-functioning or faultily installed household appliances, like your dishwasher, fridge or washing machine.
  • Leaking or burst pipes; think burst fire sprinkler supply line or water supply lines.
  • A leaking Air Conditioning unit.
  • An outside water sprinkler system; a wrongly installed water sprinkler spraying your walls instead of the plants can over time saturate your walls with water leading to a water damage inside your home once water starts leaking into your home.

Inaccessible areas like crawlspaces, attics and hidden areas behind kitchen counters for example are more prone to getting affected by a water damage. Oftentimes the damage stays undetected until the casualty has turned into a much bigger problem.

Assessing the extent of your water damage and bringing your home back to its original state is what we do at Sparkle Restoration. contact us and let us help you restore your home and your peace of mind. Call us at 714-641-6600 or 949-631-1001.

Please refer also to our Water Emergency “First Aid Kit” outlining our recommended 10 steps for regaining control during a flood while waiting for a Sparkle Restoration Professional to arrive.

Have a wonderful February!

Cenmar Fuertes
President & General Manager
Sparkle Restoration Services, Inc

